EnvUse Case: Caster PvP

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EnvUse Case: Caster PvP

Use Case: Caster


  • Mana: +9
  • ManaRegen: +7

Environment: PvP


  • MF: set to 0
  • GF: set to 0

All gloves

id Name User Score Sigma
6582 viper touch 10.07 -0.80
3849 Stone Grip Light Gauntless 10.07 -0.80
7650 123 10.07 -0.80
7476 Stone Grasp Demonhide Gloves DaftPaycheck 10.07 -0.80
4190 a 10.07 -0.80
8078 Imp Claw 10.07 -0.80
7802 grip 10.07 -0.80
3329 Glyph clutches 10.07 -0.80
185 Imp finger sharkskin gloves 10.07 -0.80
2729 Dragons sharkskin gloves of alacrity 10.07 -0.80

Distribution of all scores

Number of samples: 8019

Max seen: 45

Average: 17.60

Standard deviation: 9.46

Weights for this use case

Max Weight = 67
   sum of top 5 weights = 47
  + weight from skills = 20