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All gloves

id Name User Max Sigma Req Lvl Type
86 cw -0.28 25 Rare
85 Storm Fist Battle Gauntlets 1.85 48 Rare
84 Glyph Grip MoshYourBrain 1.33 49 Craft
83 Loath Finger 0.66 52 Craft
82 Lancer's light gauntlets of alacrity 1.00 45 Magic
81 Ghoul Touch 2.45 57 Craft
80 Vampire Finger Abstoiber -0.30 47 Rare
79 Pain claw 0.10 51 Rare
78 beast fist 2.07 48 Rare
77 Doom Knucle -0.11 47 Rare