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Auction Summary

Maker: BlackSocks
Status: Open
Min hit? Min price not hit
Created: (398 days ago)
Last updated: (398 days ago)
Num days: 2


Mode: Softcore
Ladder?: Ladder
Region: Americas
Platform: PC

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Min asking price

Minimum asking price: Accepts pgem equivalent

pgem equivalent:

156.20 pgems

Highest bid

no bids yet


=== Auction ===

Craft Amulet: shadow gorget (req lvl 89)

SC/L/PC Americas

Min asking price: 156.20 pgems

Highest bid: none yet

=== Mods (6 / 7) ===

Skills: +2 to All (Necro only)

FCR - 7 / 20 (low)

ManaLeech - 7 / 8 (Very High)

Mana - 14 / 110 (average)

ManaRegen - 7 / 10 (average)

ColdRes - 6 / 40 (very low)

FireRes - 30 / 40 (High)

=== Scores by use case ===

Caster PvM score: 59.7 / 100 (High)

Caster PvP score: 59.7 / 100 (High)

Melee PvM score: 51.9 / 100 (Very High)

Melee PvP score: 38.2 / 100 (High)

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