Circlet 19011: Venomous circlet of the magus

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Magic Circlet 19011: Venomous circlet of the magus (lvl 45)

Charsi Food?

Max Sigma: 1.06
Definitely Keep


Name: Venomous circlet of the magus

Type: Magic

Required level: 45

SC/NL/Switch Americas

Owner: SidaMental


This item is currently up for auction!

Min price: 594.39 pgems
Highest bid:
None yet


Skills: +3 to PoisonBone (Necro only)

# Mod Value Max LLD
Average Std Dev Sigma Roll
1 FCR 20 20 20 19.29 2.60 0.27 Perfect
2 OpenSockets 2 2 2 1.90 0.61 0.16 Very High

Magic Circlet: Venomous circlet of the magus (req lvl 45)

Worth keeping?: Definitely Keep

Max Sigma: 1.06

=== Mods (2 / 2) ===

Skills: +3 to PoisonBone (Necro only)

FCR - 20 / 20 (Perfect)

OpenSockets - 2 / 3 (Very High)

=== Bonus Points ===

+10 points 2/20FCR bonus

=== Scores by use case ===

Caster PvM score: 61.1 / 100 (Very High)

Caster PvP score: 61.1 / 100 (Very High)

Melee PvM score: 10 / 100 (Very Low)

Melee PvP score: 12.5 / 100 (Very Low)

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